The Flint Street Nativity

The Flint Street Nativity, directed by Mel Webb, closed to another packed enthusiastic audience on 24 November.

Congratulations to Mel and the cast for some fantastic heartwarming characterisations, which brought both tears of joy and sadness to many during the week.

To see our cast list  and more pictures visit our Flint Street webpage

Read-Throughs – Completed
Auditions – Completed
Casting – Completed
Rehearsals – Completed
Live Shows – Completed


4th November 2018

The TATS AGM took place in the boys clubroom Turvey on 4th November, notes of the meeting can be viewed by clicking the arrow below.

The TATs 2019 Committee members are:

Jan Clemens
Simon Evans (treasurer)
Rosemary Gentry
Stephanie Munno
Penny Murray
Phil Pickwick (chairman)
Carrie Walker
Matthew Watson
Melanie Webb (secretary)

Please remember that all 2019 membership fees are now due to our membership secretary Rosemary Gentry.

TATS 40th Anniversary Ball

The TATS 40th Anniversary Ball
took place on a balmy Turvey evening on 7th July 2018

Organised by long-standing member, Penny Murray, over 80 current, previous and founder members and guests packed the village hall to celebrate the event.

A fantastic evening was had by all with music and dancing to the fantastic band DEXETER and super food provided by CAST IRON CATERING.

Just a few of the pictures can be seen below, with a full album due online soon, so keep checking back and watch this space.

if you really can’t wait then check out our facebook pictures


Read Throughs and Auditions are complete

keep checking back for cast details.

To be Directed by Mel Webb – November 21 – 24   2018:






Due to commence on Monday 9th July.

Anybody for Murder

7 to 9 June 2018:
directed by Jan Clemens.

So there we have it – final night over already and another storming performance completed.

Well done to Jan Clemens and all the cast and crew for another stunning TATS production – Brian would have been very proud.


Please visit our webpage by clicking below

Race Night 2018

RACE NIGHT – Saturday 12th May

Regrettably, due to lack of bookings,  we have been forced to cancel the planned RACE NIGHT FUNDRAISER for Turvey Preschool

What Poppy did next!

TATS would like to congratulate Poppy Holman, author of TATS recent sell-out production of ‘BELLS OF TURVEY’, for having her new play, ‘Little Shining Eyes’ selected for inclusion in the Stagewrite festival of new writing in Bedford.


The festival takes place at ‘The Place’, theatre, Bedford and will be staged on 3rd and 4th May.

For more information and tickets please click the image to the left

What have the Windmill theatre and TATS got in common?


The Windmill theatre never closed during the blitz and so it was for TATS too during the recent ‘Beast from the East’ and Storm EMMA, TATS never missed a performance of ‘And then there were none’.

Congratulations to cast and crew for 3 massive performances over the last few days and a great big thank you to our audiences who braved the weather to support us.



2018 TATS QUIZ Winners


Nearly 100 quizzers took part in the 6th annual TATS Showbiz quiz at Turvey village hall on Friday 2nd February. Pictured above are the winners from the ‘run out of team’ team.

TATS were also pleased to announce that all proceeds from the raffle for the night are being donated to the Turvey Pre-school fund.
Latest news: We’ve just totted up and £170 will be donated.

Thank you everyone that came and helped raise funds.

Where did your team come – click below to find out

TATS Annual General Meeting 2017

The TATS Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2017 took place on Thursday 23 November 2017. Minutes of the meeting can be viewed by clicking the arrow below.

The TATs 2018 Committee members are:

Keeley Bootman
Sue Burgess
Jan Clemens
Simon Evans (treasurer)
Rosemary Gentry
Penny Murray
Eilean Moulang
Phil Pickwick (chairman)
Matthew Watson
Melanie Webb (secretary)

Please remember that all 2018 membership fees are now due to our membership secretary Rosemary Gentry.

And Then There Were None….CASTING

Casting is now complete.

Read throughs and auditions are complete and the rehearsals have begun for TAT’s next production ‘And then there were none‘, The classic murder mystery to be directed by Stephanie Munno.  

The show will run 1st March to 3rd March 2018.

Click the arrow below to find out more information about this great show.

TAT’S Bells of Turvey CD’s and DVD’s

All performances of TATS’ production of the world premiere of Poppy Hollman’s ‘Bells of Turvey’ were sold out.

So, if you couldn’t get to see the show, or could and just loved the show and the superb music, then why not buy the CD or DVD?

Watch again as nearly 50 local characters come to lfe and listen to Tim Brewster’s fabulous music for only £10 each.

All profits made before Christmas are going to Turvey Pre-School.

CD’s and DVD’s available at

ALSO AVAILABLE by emailing