The Good Life

June 13th to 15th
Comedy TV Play – The Good Life

For the first time on the TATS stage we brought you the wonderful tv comedy, ‘The Good Life’

A milestone birthday convinces Tom Good to make a change and he talks his wife, Barbara, into giving up the so-called rat race and joining him in a life of simplicity and self-sufficiency. They convert their suburban home into a farm, which doesn’t go down too well with their middle class neighbours Margot and Jerry.

What a fabulous job our talented team did in portraying some true tv legends supported by a super set and props including a rather rude pooing goat!

Well done to Jan Clemens for stepping in at the last minute and yet again directing a true TATs classic.

TATS Turvey – The Good life Cast Announced

TATS’ next production – the Good Life – takes place June 13th – 15th 

Tickets go on Sale on 1st May.

Congratulations go out to all the successful cast members below




Tom Good                        Nathan Gibson
Barbara Good                Rebecca Smith
Jerry Leadbetter        Matthew Watson
Margo Leadbetter     Leanne Thomson
Sir                                        John Coop
Felicity                              Rosemary Gentry
Harry the Pigman       David Kendall
Milk Woman                   Lucy Anderson
Policeman                       Mark Sach
Mary                                    Jo Wareham
Dr Joe                                Ian Shadbolt
Margaret                          Rebecca Austin

Show Biz Quiz 2024

The very popular TATS annual showbiz quiz took place in Turvey Village Hall on 26th January.


Eleven teams fought a fierce contest



But someone had to win… and this year it was ‘The Clangers’ (Turvey bellringers). Many congratulations to them.


It takes a lot of work to stage these evenings, so many thanks to our quiz masters, David and John, and to the rest of the TATS team who supported in a variety of roles, this time off stage!



We even got the chance for the whole hall to sing a special 79th happy birthday to our wonderful ex chairman Rosemary, who also captained her team, ‘Rosemary’s Babies’, to the ‘runners up’ spot in the contest.



Finally… We would like to thank all our competitors for making the effort to support us and making it so enjoyable, and we look forward to seeing you all again at our future shows and events.

2024 TATS Turvey Committee

The following TATS Turvey committee members were elected at the December AGM:

Leanne Thomson (Chair)
John Murray (Treasurer)
Jane Hay (Membership Secretary)
Matthew Watson (Minute Secretary)
Jan Clemens
Rosemary Gentry
Ben Lusby
Penny Murray
Jo Wareham
Charlotte Pask


Monday 4th December 2023

The TATS 2023 AGM took place on Monday 4th December at Turvey Village Hall at 1930.

A great time was had by all and following the formal side of the meeting a very good attendance enjoyed mulled wine, soft drinks, mince pies and off course the obligatory catch up conversations.

A special mention to Joint Chairman Rosemary Gentry, who after many years of sterling service stood down from the new Committee and in recognition of her significant contributions to the society over the years, was awarded an honorary membership.

It’s a wrap 2023

Production Wise it’s a Wrap!
TATS have now completed their 2023 programme.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our brilliant audiences over the year and hope to see you all again for our events in 2024.

We are still planning our programme ….but for a sneaky peak at what’s planned so far click on 2024 below.

Me and My Girl – Curtain Down

So the curtain comes down on another fabulous TATS Musical.

Me and My Girl delighted sell out audiences from 22nd November to 25th November and showed once again what a talented group of actors, directors and support team TATS Possess.

Many thanks to all involved and especially Director Jan Clemens and assistant Michelle Swales for bringing such fun and professionalism to the amateur stage here in Turvey.

Want to see some show highlights – click the image below (and remember to switch the volume on)


Many thanks to Jo Jo Wareham for producing the video.

One Man Two Guvnors – Curtain Down

18th to 20th May
One Man Two Guvnors

Well, that’s a wrap as they say …. The curtains are closed on the current show for TATS

And what a fabulous show it was, such a talented cast and a fantastic back stage and  lighting and sound team – You’re all brilliant !

Thank you to everybody who supported our show and came along and for the kind donation of raffle prizes and our lovely painting that is now with its new owners.

thank you to everybody who bought raffle tickets, for those of you that helped behind the scenes and with front of house and the bar and huge thanks to our excellent sound and lighting crew – the show was a huge success !

Poets & Pints – POSTPONED

10th March
Poems and Pints Evening – Postponed

Unfortunately due to the uncertain weather situation, the planned TATS Poets and Pints evening on 10th March (Friday) in the village hall has been postponed.

Hopefully we will hold the event it at a future date.