One Man Two Guvnors – Curtain Down

18th to 20th May
One Man Two Guvnors

Well, that’s a wrap as they say …. The curtains are closed on the current show for TATS

And what a fabulous show it was, such a talented cast and a fantastic back stage and  lighting and sound team – You’re all brilliant !

Thank you to everybody who supported our show and came along and for the kind donation of raffle prizes and our lovely painting that is now with its new owners.

thank you to everybody who bought raffle tickets, for those of you that helped behind the scenes and with front of house and the bar and huge thanks to our excellent sound and lighting crew – the show was a huge success !

Poets & Pints – POSTPONED

10th March
Poems and Pints Evening – Postponed

Unfortunately due to the uncertain weather situation, the planned TATS Poets and Pints evening on 10th March (Friday) in the village hall has been postponed.

Hopefully we will hold the event it at a future date.

One Man 2 Guvnors – Cast

The Cast for one man 2 Guvnors has been announced by Deborah and rehearsals have started, as can be seen from the pictures below of the 1st rehearsal.

Many congratulations to all the following successful actors:


Francis – Dave Pibworth

Charlie – Bob Leslie

Harry Dangle – Ben Lusby

Pauline – Eleanor Leonard-Smith

Alan – Ian Shadbolt

Rachel – Leanne Thomson

Stanley – Matthew Watson

Dolly – Charlotte Pask

Lloyd – David Hughes

Gareth – TBA

Alfi – TBA

Quiz Night – January 27th 2023

The very popular TATS quiz night was held at Turvey Village Hall on Friday 27th January 2023.

A very enjoyable night was had by all as the teams battled it out to become 2023 TATS champions.

David and John at work overseeing the quiz

Many brains at work

And after some very technical score keeping – the result proved to be a draw.

No tie breaks here! – both winners were awarded a bottle of champagne each



congratulations to the joint winners – Quizzically Challenged






and Hungry Hedgehogs


The TATS 2022 AGM, took place on Monday 5th December, 730pm in Turvey Village Hall.

Over 30 people attended (including most of the Oklahoma newcomers), and we even needed a vote as there were so many volunteers to the Committee.

The formal elements were then followed with a very enjoyable social event including mulled wine and mince pies.

We even signed up some new members.

A great success and here’s to 2023.

OKLAHOMA – It’s a wrap!

November 2022

Tickets being sold out weeks before the first performance give some idea of the audience anticipation for this show and they weren’t disappointed!

Superbly directed by Jan Clemens and brilliantly acted by a large cast, many new to the TATS stage, the audiences were enthralled by the set and high standards of both acting and singing, fabulously supported by the live band and professional sound and lighting.

As usual there are also many unsung heroes behind the scenes of these productions so a massive thank you from all at TATS for all help received to enable this show to be a great success.

OKLAHOMA! – Casting and Rehearsals

OKLAHOMA! – Casting & Rehearsals
June 2022

TATS cast the show in late June and immediately started rehearsals.

The picture to the left shows us setting the first scene, with Rosemary Gentry as Aunt Eller and Spencer Barlow as Curly.

We were thrilled to welcome some new faces to the TATS stage and we think we can promise our audiences a superb evening’s entertainment come November.

Congratulations to all our successful cast.

TATS Open House

May 2022

What a great afternoon at TATS Open House, meeting old and new friends for delicious cakes and drinks.

Special thanks to Andy Stewart and Charlotte Pask for entertaining us with some tunes and moves from Oklahoma! (see picture)

Play Reading

PLAY READING – just for fun!
April/ May 2022

A play reading evening – just for fun, was held on 25th April just to keep in touch with each other and our wider TATS friends.

A great time was had by all, so much so that it was decided to make these weekly occasions for the next 5 weeks.

Production Cancellation

It is with regret that due to circumstances beyond TAT’s control we have had to Cancel our planned production of ‘My mother said I never should’.

Hopefully we can perform this show at some future date.



Auditions – My mother said I never should
Monday 14th March

The auditions for ‘My mother said I never should’, were held on Monday 14th March 2022.


Play read through

PLAY READ THROUGHMy mother said I never should
7th March

The read-through for “My mother said I never should” was held on Monday 7th March and it was great to have a good number of folk come along.

Auditions are planned for Monday 14th March at 7.30pm.

We are looking for 4 women, one in their seventies, one in their fifties, one in their thirties and one who looks age 17 or 18. New members welcome.

The play, written by Charlotte Keatley in 1985, examines the relationships between mothers and daughters, and explores the themes of independence, growing up and secrets.

We are delighted to announce that this play will be directed by Sarah Swidenbank.